
Grensverleggers program

“Dive into your neighborhood and discover the bridge builder in you!”

Need a new direction in life  or  a break to rethink? These are not signs of disaster, but of opportunity! A chance to push your limits and get the best out of yourself; even change your neighborhood together with other young people! With grensverleggers, we’ll step the ‘us or them’ paradigm and you take your future into your own hands.

Grensverleggers is a program for young people from the Netherlands who want to take time to re-orient themselves about their future, without having to stand still. 

Grensverleggers is a personal and local development process that gives youth social and personal skills to make a positive contribution in a polarizing world.         

Are you between 18 and 28 years old and want to do something cool and useful with friends? Could you be that edgeworker who brings your neighborhood, village or school?

Grensverleggers offers a neighborhood learning trajectory where you work between 12 and 14 days spread over 10 weeks.  Find out when our next program runs and check more information on

Are you ready for a challenge?
Every year we offer at least two grensverlegger-programs in the spring and in autum, with 6 to 10 local programs executed. Each program concludes with a open event where youth can present results to each other and various organizations that keep an eye out for talented young people. Grensverleggers themselves will select Four participants will be selected by the team to become mentors in the next round of training  as paid youth coaches.

So do you like a challenge? Do you take your own future seriously? Do you want to push your limits and do something cool with friends in your own neighborhood, village or school? Then sign up!

Background to grensverleggers
Grensverleggers falls under the National Social Service Time Program of ZonMW. ZonMW has been preparing for the implementation of the Social Service Time for young people between 14 and 25 years old for a number of years. Within this framework, the  Grensverleggers partnership started with the development and implementation of a 2-year program in which groups of young people, from different parts of the Netherlands, can participate in  10 to 12 weeks training program within groups over various program rounds in which they are prepared to work on local issues within their own neighborhood, school or villages.

This program is executed by project manager Niels Koldewijn of FairGround in collaboration with stichting Grensverleggers  

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Don’t Worry Be You is a European project of Erasmus+ that seeks to foster youth and community wellbeing, to empower young people to work on their own well-being, in community with other young people.
Grensverleggers is a process MDT program that gives youth social and personal skills to make a positive contribution in a polarizing world. Next round starting March 2024…